75 button chromatic Bandoneon
150 reeds (2 reeds per note)
18- fold bellows with 2 central frames
black or mahogany varnished with finish
bespoke reed arrangement on demand
Mezcla de aditivos, condimentos y especias, de uso charcutero, para la elaboración del producto cárnico no tratado por el calor denominado “Fuet” o “Longaniza imperial” o “Salchichón” o “Chorizo blanco” hasta de calidad “Extra”. Formato: bolsa 5kg
We are boiler brokers for all industrial steam boilers, hot water boilers and thermal fluid heaters - new, reconditioned or for hire. You tell us what you want and we arrange for appropriate suppliers to quote you direct, at no charge to yourselves.
MATSUO BASHO (1644-1694) gilt als Mitbegründer der japanischen Versform Haiku. Seine Gedichte spiegeln die Einfachheit seiner meditativen Lebensweise wider. Er versah viele seiner Verse mit einer mystischen Qualität und versuchte, die großen, weltbewegenden Themen durch einfache Naturbilder auszudrücken. Neujahrstag ist eine Reflexion über das Alleinsein mit der Natur und den Wechsel der Jahreszeiten.
Autor: Matsuo Basho
Deutsche Fassung: A. Gerhard
Graphisches Design und Layout: Tony Vera
Fünf illustrierte Haikus
Format:13x10 cm
Hardcover, farbig bedruckt, 30 Seiten
Zweite Auflage: 2017
Preis: 10,50 €
ISBN: 978-3-943117-90-5
We can offer the vertical and horizontal Meat Drum Machine we produce with the following features:
Hourly product processing capacity from 300 to 1,000 kg
Spoon Stirring
Moving product mixing and product discharge
With these features, our machines provide the product,
Marinating / Marinating
It tenderizes the meat.
mixing it up
It's like resting for 36 hours
It speeds up the production process
Bottled/Ready to cook
It allows transportation without breaking the cold chain.
Our product vacuum drum is designed to massage and soften products such as ham, shoulder, ribeye, sirloin etc. under vacuum. With its cylindrical body and herringbone internal structure, it ensures that the product is homogenized evenly. With its wide adjustment range automation system according to demand, it ensures increased finished product and the best binding of proteins to meat.
Productie verandert in een Smart Factory: Machines en producten zijn digitaal gekoppeld en communiceren met elkaar. In de cloud worden installaties virtueel afgebeeld en met digitale systemen verbonden. De productie kan via een smartphone of tablet worden bestuurd. Met onze slimme oplossingen dragen wij nu al actief bij aan de manier waarop Industrie 4.0 vorm krijgt. Geef vorm aan uw eigen digitale weg naar succes. Van de slim in een netwerk opgenomen productieketen tot en met innovatieve diensten en businessmodellen.
Espressione di un’evoluta ricerca estetica e funzionale, presenta forme piatte e lineari che incontrano la trasparenza delle porte in vetro e la massima luminosità per uno sguardo a 360° sulla qualità del prodotto esposto. Grande capienza e semplicità di installazione e manutenzione.
YGK Chrome 98 - YGK Chrome
Application:Decorative and functional application in automotive and sanitary field
Function:Best corrosion protection for nickel-plated layers, liquid catalyst, simple handling
YGK Metal Stripper A - YGK Metal Stripper
Substance to be stripped:Nickel, Copper, Copper alloys
Base Material:Iron, Steel
YGK Rack Stripper - YGK Metal Stripper
Type:Weakly acidic, anodic
Substance to be stripped:All metals except lead and tin and their alloys
Base Material:Stainless Steel